Your Brain Chemistry is Not My Brain Chemistry

“Do you love me?” .. “Why do you keep asking this all the time”, he said.

“Do you love me?” .. “I love you each and every day”, he said.

I know this is something we expect. It might seems romantic but few of us must have insecurity and few of us have anxiety. Both are not same.

Okay! I have a lot to write but I will start from here. Let me tell you something, I know how much irritating I sound while I ask it. I know you can’t answer me this all the time. I know a lot of things and most of them are just spoken by my mind. I wonder how people say “speak your mind” so confidently. I mean at least to you I speak my mind. And I know that it’s too much for you in a day.

No, Nah! I am not complaining. Definitely I understand that you don’t feel the same. No not about love but about loving a person with anxiety. As I said, I know a lot of things and most of them is the art work done by my internal intelligence agency. Ha! At least you laughed at this.

But what if suddenly I start getting numb while you are alluring.. “oh! love what a beautiful day!” and rather listening to your wonders I am busy making myself focused and not loosing sight, not getting lost. And while you are about to share the happiest moment of your life, I start loosing count on my breaths. More excited you get, more my heartbeat starts pounding out of my chest and my ears acts like a dead machine. Sorry honey I am busy stabilizing myself. And as you are getting lost into your fantasies, I am getting lost in the wonderland but not the one which we read in our textbooks.

Now let me tell you where I am. I can see tunnel, White tunnel. I can see myself acting like I am on a big water slide, less slant than I thought. And someone just pushed me into it and at that moment I could feel no gravity, it’s like no land under my feet. My head starts spinning and I am unable to trust that this tunnel is a ‘safe place’. You can see my sweat, my bluish nails and my accelerating breath. And it stopped you from being you. From my blur lens I can see your laughter diminishing and your feelings taking a U- turn. For you it’s sudden, spontaneous. For me it’s into me. It’s like a self explosive mode and I lost its remote.

So you started making me comfortable. You started blowing air over my face while asking me what just happened? You asked me if I need to go to hospital? You ask me If you said something wrong. But No! You didn’t. I need some good words to explain that my heart is racing more because I can see my heart actually racing. My mind is a ‘thought-tank’ where thousands of thoughts are living at the same place. And right now, these over populated thoughts are incomplete. They are fighting and running and pushing each other to get completed but alas! such a pretty war it is.

As obvious I know that you don’t know what’s going on. To help myself, I am trying to tell you what’s going on but like my thoughts my words are incomplete too. I can hardly pronounce a letter. I can see your efforts, I can see how worried you are. You are trying to give me water and words. But nothing is enough right now.

Now comes the most difficult part. Soon, I thought-I realize-I am dying. I realized that I am failure to catch my breath and my lungs are empty oxygen cylinder. And I bursted out. My tears are making their way out of my eyes and my control over my body. I can see you are still standing there calling someone for help.

Counting from one to two to three to four then all over the place my tears became my greatest enemy. I started crying like a child with no control. I am scratching my head and slowly lessening the distance between my knees and my chest. Being at this edge feels like the edge of the bridge. Even without jumping off, it scares the hell out of me. And I see it scares the hell out of you too.

You are rubbing my back and my hands confused if you actually need to do so. You tried your best. You thought of every single possibility to calm down me. You stopped every single feeling of excitement and love just to see me if I’m okay? And as soon as my flight landed on ground, I started calming myself by switching all my modes off. And for me it’s peaceful. Slowly and deeply my body is surrendering to surrounding. I wish to lie down like a dead piece. But you took a hold on me. You wrapped your arms all over my shoulder, touched my hairs like a mother and kissed me on forehead. And I felt it was a safe landing after all.

So now you know how it looks like. Now you entered into my dark world and it’s just the beginning. And let me tell you the fact, everything I just said was limited to the time period of 10-30 minutes.

Aha….. That’s it?!

From now you know I have issues.

Time passed we did every possible things that we could do. We enjoyed each other’s company. You told me how supportive you want to be for me. Your smile and simplicity was therapy to me. You told me we are soulmates and I said it’s true. And I was at peace. I was enjoying the sea through sitting into the submarine of the fact that you know what my darkness is. At least 10 weeks from then, it was a beautiful lane of memories where I was at ease to know that I no more need to hide what I feel, I no more need to be ashamed of ruining a moment or calling for help or seeking an emergency support. At least in those days I felt normal. Each and everyday I was surprised with the possibility of depth of understand.

But that was not over, slowly and gradually (like if no one noticed, neither me) you took another U turn. You saw me crying you did nothing. I asked you “do you love me?” you said “why the hell you always keep asking me that?”. I told you how I feel and you make me shut by declaring me as constant source of negativity. Soon I became the burden I was afraid of. You stopped calling me. You stopped asking me if I am okay?. There were days when my social anxiety was shouting at me and you stopped that noise with your gentle words and a little push. I was aware of the fact that it’s not easy. But I was also aware of the fact that I loved you and you said we were soulmates. And I thought we were really soulmates. And it’s not that you deny that you love me anymore. But I don’t see it anymore.

I said my mind is filling up and my chest is heavy and you said ‘Okay’. I told you my most embarrassing thought of the day and how it makes me feel, you say “how even someone can think like this, crap!”. I breathed hardly and you said ‘stop overthinking’. When I told you how much afraid I am for another panic attack and you replied “oh last time I saw Bercelona loosing a match I had a panic attack. Don’t worry you will be fine ahaha”. I asked you if I am not bothering you? and said “you really need your pills”. I remember once I was not able to speak a word to say that I am still hungry and I was looking for the exact word to say in an appropriate manner (Does it sound too much? sorry It’s normal) so I was stuck between ..”ummm I (sigh) i-e Umm (scratching my nails) Um I wan- I just wa-a-n-ted to say…ahs (swallowing my saliva) and you did hold my hand and said softly “It’s okay. Take your time. I’m not gonna judge you. I am all ears.” And someday when I was just speaking like a bullet train and catching my speed, you told me to take a deep breath and smiled at me like it never happened. Now last I know that we were hanging out with our friends and I started feeling horrible and I felt like I can’t catch my emotions and it was all too much for me that day and I said I want to go home. And you said “there’s a lot more fun remaining. We can’t go now”. I said I am filled up, I don’t want to cry in front of them, It makes me feel weak”. You asked “Is there any reason why are you feeling so?” (Seriously, you are asking me the reason!?) I said I don’t know It’s just my m-i-n- .. “Okay that’s it! Tell your mind that it’s a crap it’s not working properly because I am here for fun not to cry for something ! You are sick why don’t you go mental hospital or do something with it. because I am done here!! I am not your care taker.”

That was all and I felt like– okay no more words, no more fear of being judged. I felt my hand shaking and legs getting numb. I felt if something is crawling into my stomach and my neck choking and my little heart screaming silently “please somebody help if you won’t judge me, please help!” While coming out of the hall, one last time I turned around and I saw him talking selfies and laughing like nothing happened and someone just popped up and said “hey see her, she is crying” and he replied “it’s usual she will be fine”. I went down on the stairs, sat like a baby crying for her mother. And That’s all. I don’t want to write anymore.

So here is the irony! Now let me tell you few more important things. I was in final school when I first discovered that I have anxiety disorder. I was the topper of my college where we first met. I was know for my speeches in universities. I loved travelling. People came to me to tell their stories and feeling without being judged. I was the best therapist among my friends. I was the finest observer in my organisation. And most importantly, I loved him. I asked him If he is okay? I asked him how’s you feeling today instead of what’s up?. I cooked special meals for his bad days, wrote small notes for motivating him from a week ago of his interviews. I cheered for his homecoming like a 13 year old kid. I told him how good he is when he was down.

I was fighting my own battle but I tried my best to got his back. And most of the times he himself said that these efforts makes him feel joyful. I tried every possible thing to make him not feel like I am a burden. And that’s where I did wrong. Why I was thinking this way? Why it wasn’t effortless? All credit goes to – Anxiety.

Few most basic things I needed to learn is that- I am not a burden and love is effortless. I needed to realize that it’s important to let people know that neither I am handicapped nor I am abnormal. I am me only with my anxiety. And if someone loves me, then for him or her my anxiety shouldn’t be my identity. And last of all, I am responsible for my actions and it’s consequences but I am not responsible for how people see it. No one is perfect. So that’s it.

After all, Your brain chemistry is not my brain chemistry. It may be hard to love a person with anxiety but it’s not less worthy because love is effortless!




Oh! you better run because all cities are mad: but the madness is gallant, all cities are beautiful; but beauty is grim. usual I was sitting on that circular stand with the only star above in the sky. Next to the MDI faculty building, there was my PG and on the terrace it was me, watching the whole city at a constant stare. It was like “Love At First Sight”. I could see many tall buildings which are not just buildings but are dreams for more than half of the migrants and I was one of them but with only difference that it ain’t just a dream but more than that…

Those were the only part of my days when I used to stop the flow of thoughts in my head and watch the whole city running continuously with no rest. At first, I doubted myself…What if i couldn’t run as fast?…then suddenly an airplane took off from the near-most airport over my head  and with a outsmile i was like ..Why can’t i?

I remember how I used to do up & down from gurgaon to Delhi four days in a week. I faced people around me with different motives and tastes.It wasn’t only the information board “sector 21   00:02” that became the part of my daily routine but also those culture and fashion within which I found myself one of them too. This is how even small metro trips can be so versatile. Overall, I can’t neglect the fact that the blow of wind ensconced me in the essence of reality of that number of street lights with those big billboards, while at the same pace, the beggars out of nearby temple entangled me into the concept of dependency and interlinks, thus taught  me how this city runs…every time that terrace reminds me the idea of making my own unwalked way. Now I wonder how that city under grey sky beloved my heart with light pink and I found that place so incredible….! : )


timee.jpgLife is about run.. isn’t it? I am 21. I am writing this one after a long time not because I lost interest but because I was running. It’s a humor! Imagine an infant saying “what if I LOST this race?”. When I was a school going kid I used to make plans what I have to do next to meet best in my academics. I planned something like.. at 8 A.M I have to complete my breakfast, at 10 I have to study chemistry, at 11 I have to study Language…at 6 P.M I have to go to basketball court..and so on. I grew up faster than I thought and then I graduated when I was 20 and now I’m working. Well I am sharing this because this is all according to what we call “perfect timing”?..yep it is. 

But as I said, now I’m 21 and life went too far before I have imagined. What I have realized that this perfect time thing don’t work AT ALL. What if you are earning at a perfect time in your life but you can’t send that money to your home? what if you are earning too much but you don’t have time to use it somewhere? what if you think you are helping your parents but they are actually sleeping late at night out of loneliness? what if you are at a place where everyone dream to be but your heart still feels as if something is not good or something is missing?  what if your friend is at some good place and you are wondering ohh hell! where am I.. but actually, through out your life you have never thought of being at that place but still you are comparing yourself? (so irrelevant) what if you are good at something you have never explored?… trust me there are a lot of “What if” if you trying to match perfect timing theory because your life is not a race. you are not an ambulance, you need not to run fast in hurry all the time. it’s okay to EXPLORE! 

It’s okay if you are wandering to know more, listen more, think more, find out more, do more than just a perfect goal because it’s life. It’s a life to live, not a life to run. Remember we are earning so that we can eat, sleep, get resources for basic requirements like getting a roof or cloths to make a better survival but if you are earning money and unable to eat properly, not getting sound sleep, not getting time to keep up your survival efficiently than your all money is just a waste. If you are doing excellent at academics but you are not able to use your knowledge to make things better around you, to understand what life stands for, to accept things that should be acceptable then you are doing it wrong, no matter how much you score or how early you graduate. Imagine the time when all these academics thing came into human mind (purpose of its origin). What do you think why it all had started, to write books that we don’t understand or to pass your time.. no? they made it so that we can enlighten the understanding of our existence as well as others too. 

It’s okay if you know what you want to do in your life instead of what you want to become in your life. Because one thing is damn sure that if you don’t know what you want to do then you will definitely not become anything but if you know what you want to do, you will certainly become something. And if you still don’t know what you want to do in your life it is nothing to worry about if you are working to find out. You are not any time bomb you don’t have to blast at a fixed time. No one is asking you to announce “Everybody attention now I am successful and achieved my goal that’s why I am going to die because I have achieved what you call success.”  (funny isn’t it?) Nobody actually announce anything like this. This is us who build a habit of comparing ourselves to people around us. It’s us who give more weight to our wings by carrying others pseudo announcements (huf!). It’s okay if you want to create your own profession or work (until unless it is intentionally and morally menace). There are people who don’t want to do something bigger (in our perception) then it totally okay because peace and simplicity is expensive these days! If you don’t believe me then seek in your heart. 

And yes marriage, something most common to gossip in Indian society. What if you don’t want to marry at a certain time in your life? I know there are factors that supports why we should marry at a certain age but there are other factors as well that states the purpose of getting married. It is not only something to do with having sex and have children as a symbol of our existence. There are other factors which shout out loud that it is not just a unification of bodies but souls, emotions, events in life, exploration, harmony and acceptance. If you lack all these factor in your marriage and yet you got married at a perfect time then congratulations you just did an act that doesn’t fulfill its purpose.     

You know what is this whole story is about? Actually we are running so fast that we even forget why we are running… and this is true! We are making it true. because we don’t question things anymore. We don’t ask what is the purpose of this act at the first place but instead we ask what act we have to do and when? Stop asking what and when you have to do, first ask yourself, ask your people why you have to do this? what is the purpose of doing this thing?

So next time if someone point out something regarding perfect time theory and you are totally okay with it, Say it loud “READY STEADY..RUN!” and if they don’t start running, just tell them “if you don’t, then why should I?” Acknowledgement is not that bad, trust your time. Stop carrying weight of others judgement. Live a Life, Don’t just run! 🙂


“ख्वाब का भारत”


मैं उस खून के कर्ज का हिस्सा हूँ,
जिस खून को तुमने पाला है।
मैं उस जमीन का किस्सा हूँ,
जिसपे  तिरंगा लहराता है।
मैं नारे का वो शब्द नहीं,
ना तो उस भीड़ की आग हूँ,
मैं वो मिट्टी की खुश्बू हूँ,
जिसमे मगन हर इंसान है।
मैं शाम का ढलता सूरज हूँ,
जिसपे बैठी वो रात है,
मैं इसी रात में डरने वाले हर एक का विश्वास हूँ।
मैं खौफ नहीं उस सत्ता का,
ना तो भ्रष्टाचार की बात हूँ,
मैं तो उस “ख्वाब का भारत” हूँ,
जो कैद में भी आज़ाद है।

मैं उस ग्लोब का कोना हूँ,
जिसपे हर किसी का साथ है।
मैं उस मदद की पुकार हूँ
जिसपे इंसानियत का राज है।
मैं कातिल का वो कत्ल नहीं,
न तो उस चीख की छाप हूँ,
मैं धरती का वो टुकड़ा हूँ,
जिसपे हर नारी का अभिमान है।
मैं वो रोता बच्चा हूँ,
जिसपे खड़ी एक आंच है,
मैं इसी आंच को सहलाने वाली बड़ी मुस्कान हूँ।
मैं किसी दौड़ का हिस्सा नहीं,
न तो आतंक की आंख हूँ,
मैं तो उस “ख्वाब का भारत” हूँ
जो कैद में भी आज़ाद है।

मैं उस खाने का स्वाद हूँ,
जो माँ के हाथ की ममता है।
मैं उस बीज का अनाज हूँ,
जिससे हर धर्म का रिश्ता है।
मैं पर्वत का कटा पेड़ नहीं,
ना तो नदियों में बहता कचरा हूँ,
मैं हर घर का चमकता वो फर्स हूँ,
जिसपे विराजमान भगवान है।
मैं कोई खेत नही, रेत हूँ,
जिसपे लेटी वो आग है,
मैं इसी आग के गुरूर का एक लौता सम्मान हूँ।
मैं उस गरीब की भूख नहीं,
ना तो बुढ़ापे की लाचारी हूँ,
मैं तो उस “ख्वाब का भारत” हूँ,
जो कैद में भी आज़ाद है।




My eyes are witness

My eyes are witness to a holy place where children are sitting with no clue of fate. Standing next to the flawless Ganga one mother is screaming for her lost kid, a man who thinks begging in the name of god is his prime duty and one who is wearing a tatter cloth with a single shoe in his beauty. I asked some kid where do they belong? said with a  grim smile “we scatter on earth for our livelihood, where we eat is our permanent roof”, some are unaware of our manmade alphabet, some are only aware of that place where they slept.

My eyes are witness to those in clover pandits, who says “Infatuation is all illusion”. One who is working day and night, sweating so far and worship at a time, got nothing more than a hopeless light. I asked the pandit about the point of sacrament, where tons of fruits are gifted to a statue and one is not getting a bite of food? He muttered that “mantra behind this gap, is all in God’s lap, the karma you did when last born is the logic behind this can of worms” all were coated in a saffron piece, only few were  committed with the actual service.

My eyes are witness to soulful lovers who never have love for their only mother. Spending date in a posh restaurant, promising of love goal but no rent, this is my girl is a loud shout, his happiness as her fate all girls allows. I asked a young couple what is commitment? They answered in a confident voice, “I wait for his calls day and night and I wish that her wait will never last a while, our relationship is a living example of our commitment and our togetherness is of our mutual terms and condition” valentine is near, celebrating the whole week, rarely remembering parent’s day and it’s zeal.

My eyes are witness to those gender contradictions which leaves one fall into the depth of estimation and left another with a prestigious creation. Comparing themselves in the global articulation, he talks of his muscles, logic and callous, her thought of  crux, inclination and diligence. I asked a professor what is genderism? He replied in a straight face, “maleism is when men cogitate their work in count  and feminism is where women are considered no less along, “ all those comparison are in virtuality, their existence is actually in parity.

My eyes are witness to those angry vultures who takes violence and abuse in their culture. Speaking in front of their mother and sister, victimizing other’s mother and sister, they think that’s the coolest thing. I asked one guy why these slangs are so effeminate? He replied in his carcase, “because females are like diamonds and it’s their privilege to let us broke their hymens” what a nasty world’s phase, even girls are talking the same slang calling it fair shake”.



At the edge of the Earth




I was in a deep dark but suddenly sunrays fell over my face and I realised I haven’t slept this night again. It’s like insomnia. Insomnia that occurs every night. Those rays was warm coming onto my face but my eyes were reluctant to it. They were denying the acceptance of hope. It’s like a tunnel which has no end points. A path with no destination. Life seems too large to be lived for. I could hear the sound of my breath and it sound heavy. I was told to be a morning bird but that day I didn’t want to wake up. I was not lazy, of course, but I was insensible for a life that should be lived for living, not for surviving. I didn’t want to see the world because not a single thing was satisfactory. This human body of mine was no less a collection of dust. Though I was trying to get it right. I was trying to make those dust into stones but I was blank. Blank like a white room where I am tied up and not allowed to say anything, I could see only white light of hopelessness,  nothing else. Pretty mature I was but no more. Like I was living an after death life but that solemnly morning was the reality. I didn’t know who was with me, who was not. I didn’t know where I was and what I was doing. I didn’t know what should I do. Not a single breathe was satisfying, neither life nor death. Peace was just a virtual thing. I was afraid to see my feet that were denying to walk because they felt no path to walk on. I felt lack of strength into my brain. My will got collapsed. I didn’t see any point where I should stop thinking of getting invisible. Single movement was as difficult as if I am pulling 100 bricks together and it was  more than physical exhaustion. My interaction with nature was reducing day by day and the corner of my room was my favourite place. But this is not depression! Depression is when you lost all contacts over yourself and there is nothing existing you feel. I know those rays was intense, my eyes were sensitive but my brain denied to work over it. I was lying over the bed like a gravity less surface. Grave was in the air and I was simply taking that air in.

Crying is not depression but not crying is exactly seems like standing at the edge of the earth and this is what depression do!


स्वतंत्र भारत की ओर….


Flags of Countries Animated Three Colors as Flags of India Symbol ...

आज़ादी से मिली जीत, क्यों न फिर से मनाए
वो लहू जो बह गए रो कर क्यों गवाये?
आखिर हम ही तो है हिंदुस्तान के परिंदे
क्यों न बीती हुई बहादुरी को फिर से आज़माये!
चल एक कदम और दो कदम की ओर बढ़ाये,
इस स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर स्वतंत्र विचार रखने की कसम खाये।

७१वी स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं।

I am an Indian women with suhaag

One Summer Vacation, my dad offered me to join him in his aunt’s home. My so-called Grand’s home. But as expected I was reluctant to it. I was behaving like a usual 21st century irritated teen, who was more willing to hangout with friends than to go to their grand parent’s place and listen to those same unseen stories. Genuinely, he was no less irritated with me. After a conversational fight, we agreed to a deal of four chocolates and one long drive on weekend. I went up, dressed pretty and came back with the whole assurance of our deal. My dad went out to get our car ready. I stepped out-of-door, a thought bubbled out of my mind “should I join or stay back?” but then I have to force myself because deal has been already done. we both got into the car and tied our seat-belt. we started with a crowd busted road with horns buzzing incoherent to traffic light and came into a solemnly narrow unstructured lane. I was continuously speaking and my dad could hear my words like w-w-h-a-t i-f-f-a-a i-i-e h-a-ed decid-e-d to s-s-t-a-y a-e-t hoo-m-e? not because I was stammering but because that lane was more made of  soil and less made of black concrete. My dad replied in his soft low tone, she is on regular dialysis, Be polite and humble with her she means me a lot” my curiosity got cold and I talked less after that. We reached her home. Her husband, my dad’s uncle and my grandpa (kind of) opened the door. He welcomed us with as much warmth as he could provide. I couldn’t see his enthusiasm but i could see his hope after coming us. I am not telling this because I was already known with truth of dialysis, I am telling this because anyone could see it. He was not happy but was grateful. He was up to his hospitality. They started talking to each other… asking how we are doing in our life…and so on. He served us biscuits and soft drinks…all I was doing is to keep quite and nod if he asks anything.

With the heights of curiosity I was continuously staring at an old lady (his wife) with Vigo plugged in her wrist, having painful body and shivering voice. She was old as antique. But fortunately she survived till yet. It was hard for her to eat and drink. She was lying on the bed with pillows around so to create a support to her body frame. In everyone’s eyes she was weak. She was incapable. But you know! she wasn’t.

She was beautiful. Her shrinked skin was golden brown like a pure Indian heritage. That innocent eyes that was ready to accept the reality of life. Her shivering lips was still in favour of her family’s welfare. She was at no urge of fabricated life. But the most dazzled surprise was the content that she was carrying all over her body. Sacred vermilion in between those white shaded hairs was as same as it was on the day she got married and honoured as the goddess of the home. I have noticed her weak hands adjusting that red bindi to be on place time to time in the name of wifehood. Although she was unable to get dressed perfectly in her style but she didn’t forget to wear that one Bangle for good fortune and prosperity of her husband. She was trying her best to be the pillar of her family but consequences  was against her. I was astonish to see how delicate it was. She reflected firm and faith, like a divine, a proper statue of the fact that believe is believe,  it is never right or wrong. She was no less worth as inspiration. She was like on the runway showing best roots of Indian believe.PicsArt_1498400823827.jpg A perfect example of commitment, faith and believe. She had a golden chain in her neck signifying proof of belongness to the man of her life. It was hard to accept that even in that critical situation where one thinks of her comfort and survival, she managed her contents through faith with an endless meaning.

I was gazing into her eyes trying to communicate that I can feel her. I wanted to tell her how beautiful she is. Everyone deserves to know the reality of his/her worth of existence. I wanted to tell her every time I saw her lying on the bed trying to convince her body that she will survive. But I was speechless. I was speechless into my own way. 

At last, it was time to leave. My dad reminded me to greet them. And all I said “bless me, I am grateful to see you”. She tried to smile and touched my head by her hand..

I met an Indian women with suhaag and I was speechless.



Tell me something people are afraid to do? Tell me why love is so rude? Why people are crying alone at night and why they are liking more breakup pages than health sites? Why singles troll to be the happiest? Why mingles get annoyed among racists? Why buying a house don’t need caste system but why two hearts can’t make a home even ? Why teens are restricted to roam along with different genders? Why they are stared as if they have done something rebellious? Why crime don’t take a thought over it? Why love become a crime in-between public? Why girls are not allowed to choose their prince then why dad wish his daughter to be the Cinderella at her ring? Why boys are teased ‘what if they don’t earn’ and then why not feminism takes turn? Is it like buying a smart phone knowing it’s price as same as preparing yourself for an arranged marriage night? Where did the term ‘marital rape’ came into existence when my grands told me, ‘love is persistence’? Why these sacred quotes torn only into tattoo when my morals told me love is not torso? Degree in humanity is more in civil choice, but civil service without humanity and humanity without love is more an evil choice. From when sex defines character rather character defines sex? From when love is teen passion rather passionate teen? Once my friend told me, my love has no future And I asked why you feel not nurtured? She replied with her racing heart, because love is like air and I can’t cost plants! That day I realised everyone is so good in business, they deal dowry as if it is religious! Why a son is not comfortable to share his feelings? What is the logic behind this kind of lack of link? Is it really a generation gap or something which can’t be trapped? Why society decides parent’s dignity? Why happiness and love has no power in creating history? Why hundreds of death are suicidal case? Why a 19-year-old facing heart breaks? Where in holy books these limitations rely? From when these conditions are applied? Why some are out of standards when we all have same way of parturition? From when love could be defined? From then these pages are flooded aligned! After all, love is a tough task because yes I am a social animal dancing at opinion’s bar! That’s how millions of hearts failed in their narration because love in society is no less than billions terms and conditions!



While sitting next to the window, my hand was warm and easily holding the cup of coffee. My eyes were busy in finding beauty in between the rage outside the window. I can’t deny that I was trying to escape the reality. I took a sip, blinked my eyes and within second I felt the flow of adrenaline, I felt the warmth I was searching in my life. It was hard to believe that I was lucky having that sip (a perspiring touch at the surface of my tongue, that sugary taste & “slurp slurp slurp” ) but yes I was. There is a saying coffee makes things easier. One sip, one sight. ( First sight..second sight….mum calling “come fast we are about to leave”) ..”coming” I shouted. I fasten myself, fasten the sound slurp-slurp-slurp but again my eyes got stuck outside the window. My spec was divine to me at that time. I am grateful to that circular rim monocle that was making a way to peep at something which people usually avoid.

“Hurry up! You are always late” mum buzzed. “Oh I am always.. do it fast! pack your bag” cheering to myself. I forcefully distracted my eyes out of the window and started packing. I putted that cup on the table, stretched my leg towards Almirah and opened it. I was continuously murmuring to myself “fast fast fast”..anyone around me could feel that ventilation of getting late and flow of oxygen and carbon in-out of my nose…I took out my clothes and even at once I got confuse “should I take black one or lee Cooper’s” but then “do it fast dear, take anyone of it!”. I thrown all the clothes into my suitcase like a pile of scrap, but it was in need at that time. With the same pace I picked up my suitcase and ran off to the stairs, leaving that coffee smelling cup having my finger print at the table.

I came down, took a deep breath (as if I got first in a race) and adjusted my glasses. Meanwhile , my dad came and said we have to wait for half an hour because first he have to repair the tracker of the car, it’s somehow not working. And at that time my face expression was worth to see for anyone who wanted to LOL. As expected, I got annoyed. But I praised the idea of getting back near the window, as it didn’t fade away from my sub conscious mind.

I went up to the stairs where it all started. But this time it didn’t work. I sat down, trying to fix my pupil around those little things I was watching outside the window but I was unable to feel that same aroma of realization. 35 minutes ago, I was clearly able to see a boy with golden brown messy hairs with torn shirt of only one sleeve and a red pant stained with soil (seems like if it was borrowed from any school going child). His face was rough-hewn but all in between his dirty face one could see his pity glowing eyes. He was professionally a balloon seller, (not because he was surely but because I am narrating it to myself). He was less selling and more begging to get sold. He was roaming around people and knocking windows of all cars passing by the same street. In contrast I could also see people with ugly faces and brighter clothes running and moving towards their work place or destination as if the reason behind the displacement of the earth are these people, putting their whole strength to maintain the pace of the earth by their activities. From window they looked small but crowd. Near turning, there was a traffic police. Wearing his dress, he was extraordinary in his duty. A women passing through the footpath, maintaining her scarf, so that she could not get wind inside her ears. Pollution was overlapping population. Noise of any screaming infant was much soothing than the noise of vehicles. Street was much colder than the coldness of the weather. There was the dominance of human over that land because my window could weight it correctly. One could feel this rush and rage in compare to my still coffee, which was smooth and warm to the heart.

Absence of coffee in the cup let me understand how much I use to be in groove. Yes I was out of that rush. I was happy holding that cup and most importantly I was still with reference to the outer world. My heart was calm. Not everyone get this, not every time even.

(~sigh~) Breathing. Relaxing. Opening fist to the air. Breathing again, I appreciated the warmth of my life I am getting from these little things. Life is all about how you feel at your stillness, and I feel hopeful.

And then I putted that cup at its right place.

“Everybody come now, we are going to’s gonna be a perfect vacation!” … Dad’s calling.



The day we will meet

will be the day death embrace us.

The last of the last breathe

will make the heaven around,

Encroaching each other’s soul

like made for enlightenment.

They said set for ‘asset’

for the whole continent.

The coinage is cold to escape

our love in-between the cage,

Encouraging each other’s sacrifice

like made as assonance.

The minute was worthless

but seconds will be divine.

The often scars will turn

into the mark of loyalty,

encrypting each other’s infinity

like made for being monad.